
Hogar Noticia Una exitosa feria de negocios de fabricantes de moldes de inyección en NPE Florida, EE. UU.

Una exitosa feria de negocios de fabricantes de moldes de inyección en NPE Florida, EE. UU.

January 2, 2025

Una exitosa feria de negocios de fabricantes de moldes de inyección en NPE Florida, EE. UU.

Our company is honor to attend NPE show in Florida in USA ,a professional mold making and plastic injection molding show

A great opportunites to meet our old and new friends ,a chance to discusss more details about their projects that are undergoing ,and some potential projects that we ‘re possible to be awarded

and invite many of our friends to our stand and have a more deep and detailed communication

We know more each other

Lucikly to let you all know

We’ve gained new customers from this show

here are some interesting photos that We ‘re in this show and in USA

Florida ,FLying more than 25 horas ,half the world to the destination,but always never influence its attraction


Very Beautiful weather outside the hall

Decoration our Top Notch Injection Mold Stand

After the show ,visit our lovely mold maker customers who outsource from china

Visit customers workshop,seems pretty ,We wish our customers is busy all the time .so we could get more injection mould projects

We could also have opportunites to cooperate with them on some plastic parts (make production for them )

A nice meal after all is a good ending for the day .

Canot show more here ,but we ll keep updated

Thanks for your time

Noticia , , , , , , , , , ,

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