
Heim Nachrichten


Eine erfolgreiche Messe für Spritzgießer auf der NPE Florida USA

Eine erfolgreiche Messe für Spritzgießer auf der NPE Florida USA

A successful injection mold maker business show at NPE Florida USA Our company is honor to attend NPE show in Florida in USA ,a professional mold making and plastic injection molding show A great opportunites to meet our old and new friends ,a chance to discusss more details about their


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu einer großartigen Erfolgsshow auf der CMEF Medical Show in ShangHai, China

CMEF Medical show is a global medical devices show in Shang hai China Attracts a lot of customers from around the world and also atttract a lot medical products exibitors to show their new developed products thers Better know the market in Medical Devices Industry and better serve our valued


Moment der Werkzeuglieferung

Moment der Werkzeuglieferung


Zeitpunkt der Frachtzustellung

Zeitpunkt der Frachtzustellung


Hart an neuen Projekten arbeiten

New Projects Assembly Moment


Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Präventionsschulung, Treffen-Fabrikleitung

Safety Protection and Prevention training meeting-Factory Management Factory Safety is the first and most Important thing ,important than anything else Make sure your employees and factorys safety ,Before we gain profits is the red line.

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    Tel/Whatsapp:+86-138 2878 1334
    Adresse: Etage #1.Gebäude #B . YouLian Straße #2. Ling Tou Villiage,Qiao Tou Stadt,Dong Guan Stadt,Provinz Guang Dong,China